Useful Links

1 in 6 - link

At least one in six men has experienced some form of sexual violence. This site leads the campaign "1in6".

Fathers4Justice - link

Don't know about the movement myself (not a father), but seems legit.

I want to learn more about masculism

Here you go. :)

MrArchivist - link

Overall great archive with a huge amount of research & articles that proves the oppression of men or the privileges of women, but the site should be used with caution (!) as it may sometimes contain inaccurate research and even misogynistic/misandrist and probably transphobic materials.

Big masculist library - link

Collection of books, articles, and writings on men's rights, male discrimination, gay male oppression, male rape, and many other topics.

Pretty good web-pages

TheTinMenBlog — the very best!

Masculism+ — far-left group dedicated to men's rights advocacy in Russian. Sometimes controversial.

/MensRights/ and /LeftWingMaleAdvocates/ — subreddits. I don't know how pure they are, perhaps you can unfortunately find some incelism or etc.

The main problem - link

The key problem of men's rights is the so-called "male disposability". This pro-feminist article explains what it is and shows why it is the foundation for all male vulnerabilities. (Article will be opened in archive to get around the paywall.)

I want to contribute to masculism

You're hot as hell!

Click here: link